o5s6$\" Refractive projection objective with a numerical aperture greater than 0.7, consisting of a first convexity, a second convexity, and a waist arranged between the two convexities. The first convexity has a maximum diameter denoted by D1, and the second convexity has a maximum diameter denoted by D2, and 0.8<D.sub.1/D.sub.2<1.1.
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A:(|"<lA Inventors: Rostalski, Hans-Juergen; (Berlin, DE) ; Schuster, Karl-Heinz; (Koenigsbronn, DE) ; Hudyma, Russell; (San Ramon, CA) ; Ulrich, Wilhelm; (Aalen, DE) ; Freimann, Rolf; (Aalen, DE)
^!S4?<v Correspondence Name and Address: SUGHRUE MION, PLLC
6#U~>r/ SUITE 800
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I4N7wnBp 20037
?IAu,s*u US
`e,}7zGR [`GSc6j Assignee Name and Adress: CARL ZEISS SMT AG
`$f`55e }oZ8esZU2 Serial No.: 931051
VkJ">0k Series Code: 10
^}~Q(ji7 Filed: September 1, 2004
?sQg{1"Zr 3q/Us0jr U.S. Current Class: 359/649
clU ?bF~e1 U.S. Class at Publication: 359/649
W~mo*EJ'^ Intern'l Class: G02B 003/00; G02B 009/00
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