The update to version 15.51 incorporates the following changes: \j vS`+ vLcOZ^iK Features: p;vrPS 1. DSEARCH now has a FILTER directive, which lets you specify that certain elements should be either positive or negative, while the others can be either. If you know what a portion of your lens should look like, you can specify it this way -- and shorten the search time by a factor of two for each element so declared. .wuRT>4G)G 2. SYNOPSYS now has a STEP file converter. There are limitations, however, which you can read about in the UM. i#Fe`Z ~J l37l| xp~ Bugs Fixed: o@|kq1m8 1. The sequence IFR ... / IFP ... did not work if COMMON was requested. Ozc9y