Surface quality: 60-40
y8k8Hd1<f {rKC4: The surface marked R1 is conic surface (aspheric surface) with folowing equation:
?:Q Y^2=2 R1_0 X - (1- e^2) X^2 where R1_0 = -10.700B0.010 & e^2 = 0.060B0.003
z\]Z/Bz:6 V"YeF:I The surface marked R2 is conic surface (aspheric surface) with folowing equation:
[:y:_ECs6 Y^2=2 R2_0 X - (1- e^2) X^2 where R2_0 = 13.698B0.013 & e^2 = 0.106B0.003
Z =+Z96 ^K?-+ 還有下面這個圖
:wC\IwG~CE Dkz/hg:q keAoJeG,J a{nR:zPE 里面的半徑
>yC=@Uq+ E_ns4k#uG 下面的小格子里都是什么意思啊
nI*.(+h bJ^h{] 謝謝