bobo |
2006-06-12 14:56 |
2nd announcements - Asia Pacific Conference on Optics Manufacture2007 (Call for papers) I.kuYD62 7-d.eNQl 1'b}Y8YO (Apologies if you get multiple announcements of this message.) tfVlIY< a=M/0N{! 8Od7e` Thanks for the overwhelming responses to the conference. Due to many requests for extension, the deadline for paper submission has been extended to 30 JUN 2006. VCa`|S?2 Z*YS7 ~ 9ZI^R/*Kc Asia Pacific Conference on Optics Manufacture 2007 \ `| U$LI~XZM (APCOM2007) h=dFSK?*D G|
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