

發(fā)布:cyqdesign 2019-12-11 21:09 閱讀:9698
根據核物理的理論,控制受控核聚變需要高能量。但是,利用X射線的最新自由電子激光提供的能量和電磁場,可以在較低能量下引發(fā)核聚變,德國德累斯頓—羅森多夫亥姆霍茲中心(HZDR)科學家在《物理評論》雜志上證明了這一點。 Z+! ._uA  
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多年來,科學家一直在研究通過核聚變來發(fā)電,一方面這是一種幾乎取之不盡的能源,另一方面要想掌握核聚變,還有許多技術障礙。其中之一是為了引發(fā)核聚變,必須要克服聚變在一起的帶相似電荷的原子核的強電排斥力,這通常需要很高能量。 s{\USD6  
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但是,還有另一種方法,該項研究的合著者弗里德曼·奎塞爾說:“如果可用較低能量,通過量子力學隧道效應也可以實現聚變。這樣一來,由核心排斥力引起的能壘便以較低的能量穿過隧道!边@個過程不是理論上的構建,而是一個現實,在太陽芯中發(fā)現溫度和壓力條件不足以克服氫核聚變的能壘,然而,通過足夠數量的隧穿過程可以維持聚變反應。 4n_f7'GZg  
HZDR科學家在他們目前的工作中研究了通過輻射對隧穿過程的支持是否可以促進受控的融合。迄今為止,用于觸發(fā)此類過程的常規(guī)激光輻射的性能太低,但這狀況很快就會改變。現在使用X射線自由電子激光器(XFEL),已經可以實現每平方厘米10—20瓦的功率密度。這大約相當于太陽輻射功率的1000倍,集中在1枚硬幣的表面。HZDR理論物理系主任拉爾夫·許爾策豪德教授說:“這使我們進入了可以用強力X射線激光器支持這種隧穿過程的領域! *Y8nea^$  


likaihit 2019-12-15 00:05
redplum 2019-12-15 00:06
mang2004 2019-12-15 00:22
Fusion by strong lasers DPIIE2X  
HZDR scientists want to use quantum mechanics to trigger the fusion of atomic nuclei ';<gc5EK  
Nuclear physics usually involves high energies, as illustrated by experiments to master controlled nuclear fusion. One of the problems is how to overcome the strong electrical repulsion between atomic nuclei which requires high energies to make them fuse. But fusion could be initiated at lower energies with electromagnetic fields that are generated, for example, by state-of-the-art free electron lasers emitting X-ray light. Researchers at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) describe how this could be done in the journal Physical Review C. \Eqxmo  
During nuclear fusion two atomic nuclei fuse into one new nucleus. In the lab this can be done by particle accelerators, when researchers use fusion reactions to create fast free neutrons for other experiments. On a much larger scale, the idea is to implement controlled fusion of light nuclei to generate power - with the sun acting as the model: its energy is the product of a series of fusion reactions that take place in its interior. 'Bul_D4B  
For many years, scientists have been working on strategies for generating power from fusion energy. "On the one hand we are looking at a practically limitless source of power. On the other hand, there are all the many technological hurdles that we want to help surmount through our work," says Professor Ralf Schützhold, Director of the Department of Theoretical Physics at HZDR, describing the motivation for his research. N pu#.)G  
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Tunneling at a high level, to be accessible soon Lckb*/jV&  
In order to trigger nuclear fusion, you first have to overcome the strong electrical repulsion between the identically charged atomic nuclei. This usually requires high energies. But there is a different way, explains the co-author of the study, Dr. Friedemann Queißer: "If there isn't enough energy available, fusion can be achieved by tunneling. That's a quantum mechanical process. It means that you can pass (i.e., tunnel) through the energy barrier caused by nuclear repulsion at lower energies." H#yBWvj*H  
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This is not some theoretical construct; it really happens: The temperature and pressure conditions in the sun's core do not suffice to overcome the energy barrier directly and enable hydrogen nuclei to fuse. But fusion happens nonetheless because the prevailing conditions allow the fusion reaction to be sustained thanks to a sufficiently high number of tunneling processes. :mOHR&2xR%  
In their current work, the HZDR scientists are investigating whether controlled fusion could be facilitated with the assistance of tunneling processes using radiation. But that is also a question of energy: the lower it is, the lesser the likelihood of tunneling. Up to now, conventional laser radiation intensity was too low to trigger the processes. w'uI~t4  
XFEL and electron beams to assist fusion reactions M A9Oi(L)K  
This could all change in the near future: With X-ray free electron lasers (XFEL) it is already possible to achieve power densities of 10^20 watts per square centimeter. This is the equivalent of approximately a thousand times the energy of the sun hitting the earth, concentrated on the surface of a one-cent coin. "We are now advancing into areas that suggest the possibility of assisting these tunneling processes with strong X-ray lasers," says Schützhold. )<Cf,R