GfM0 c!K]J if you're using 2007 or later version zemax, it's easy to get laser beam M-sqare:
E>|: D 'cix`l|^ 1) Editors --> Merit Function: to edit the merit function Type=POPD, Data=25 OR 26 for beam M^2; set Surf, Wave,Field per your system configuration;
**3 z;58i 42J{aJVH 2) Tools --> Optimization --> Merit Function Listing: to open a text window display merit function;
BZ54*\t <r#eL39I 3) Analysis --> Physical Optics -->POP: to set incident beam parameters like waist...., remember to Save your setting before POP analysis;
E \R36w^c3 4) You'll see M^2 on the Merit Function Listing window.
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