bQg:zww CHART: receiver_85 intensityMesh 0_degrees metric luminous intensity intensitySlices
dC3o9 ## Location: X(t), Y(t), Z(t); Point count; Coordinates displayed
OhQgF SERIES: 0*t + 12 180*t v 15 YZ
<sGVR5NR ## t parameter, value at t
)1J R# ## Values at t = 0, and t = 1 are on the sampling mesh boundary.
8sWJcmVo 0.0333333 0.00000 # 12 6
r"3=44St 0.1 0.00000 # 12 18
FF`T\&u 0.166667 0.00000 # 12 30
VX0 %a@ur 0.233333 0.00000 # 12 42
z1 |TC 0.3 0.00000 # 12 54
1Ti f{i,B 0.366667 0.00000 # 12 66