(Zemax紙本的使用手冊) Compound Parabolic Concentrator(CPC)
2Gyq40 u ExLj6 所列的CPC方程式寫著來源是: This type of CPC is the
f(@M[ tZxx#v` "Basic CPC" as described in detail in "High Collection Nonimaging
d[9,J?'OQ verI~M$v{ Optics" by W. T. Welford and R Winston, Academic Press (1989).
u#05`i:Z Sn:>|y~ 為
;W|kc</R* !E7gIqo C^2 r^2+2(C S z+a p^2)r+(z^2 S^2-2a C Q z-a^2 P T)=0 ,where
.=y=Fv6X \0@DOW22C C=cosθ, S=sinθ, P=1+S, Q=1+P, and T=1+Q
LUbhTc Khq\@`RaT 把第2列代入第一列整理後成為
s|YH_1r FT).$h~+4 Cos^2θ r^2+2[(z cosθ sinθ )+a(1+sinθ)^2]r+[z^2 sin^2θ-2a cosθ (2+sinθ) z-a^2(1+sinθ) (3+sinθ)]=0
x07 = "+DA)K 抱歉,平方的記號貼上後無法正常顯示,改以^表示,例如r^2=r*r,Cos^2θ =Cosθ* Cosθ的意思。
K5>3 O[X*F2LC4 z$